Web Totals

Higher-Order Components

Higher-Order Components

Pass reusable logic down as props to components throughout your application


Higher-Order Components (HOC) make it easy to pass logic to components by wrapping them.

For example, if we wanted to easily change the styles of a text by making the font larger and the font weight bolder, we could create two Higher-Order Components:

  • withLargeFontSize, which appends the font-size: "90px" field to the style attribute.
  • withBoldFontWeight, which appends the font-weight: "bold" field to the style attribute.

Any component that's wrapped with either of these higher-order components will get a larger font size, a bolder font weight, or both!


We can apply logic to another component, by:

  1. Receiving another component as its props
  2. Applying additional logic to the passed component
  3. Returning the same or a new component with additional logic

To implement the above example, we can create a withStyles HOC that adds a color and font-size prop to the component's style.

function withStyles(Component) {
  return (props) => {
    const style = {
      color: 'red',
      fontSize: '1em',
      // Merge props

    return <Component {...props} style={style} />;

const Text = ({ style }) => <p style={style}>Higher Order Component</p>;
const StyledText = withStyles(Text);



If you have a component that always needs to be wrapped within a HOC, you can also directly pass it instead of creating two separate components like we did in the example above.

const Text = withStyles(() => <p style={{ fontFamily: 'Inter' }}>Hello world!</p>);